Oct 31, 2023
October 31 2023 Tuesday
Week 07 / A Study In Galatians
Righteous By Faith
My Vision
My vision is to teach the world Who They Are In Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior! To Teach them what the Bible says about them and who they have been made to be in the promises of God's Word. This changed my life...
Oct 30, 2023
October 30 2023 Monday
Week 07 / A Study In Galatians
By Faith God Done This Work
My Vision
My vision is to teach the world Who They Are In Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior! To Teach them what the Bible says about them and who they have been made to be in the promises of God's Word. This changed my...
Oct 29, 2023
October 29 2023 Sunday
A Study In Romans
Week 01 / T. Stacy Hayes
My Vision
My vision is to teach the world Who They Are In Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior! To Teach them what the Bible says about them and who they have been made to be in the promises of God's Word. This changed my life years ago...
Oct 27, 2023
October 27 2023 Friday
Week 06 / A Study In Galatians
Our Works Will Always Come Up Short
My Vision
My vision is to teach the world Who They Are In Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior! To Teach them what the Bible says about them and who they have been made to be in the promises of God's Word. This...
Oct 26, 2023
October 26 2023 Thursday
Week 06 / A Study In Galatians
Who Or What Has Redeemed You
My Vision
My vision is to teach the world Who They Are In Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior! To Teach them what the Bible says about them and who they have been made to be in the promises of God's Word. This changed...