Jun 25, 2018
1 Peter 5:8 satan seeks whom he may devour...
2 Corinthians 5:17 You can be a new creature in Christ...
2 Corinthians 5:21 You can be the Righteousness of God in Christ...
Luke 15:11-24 The Prodigal Son...
Romans 8:29 Jesus was the First Born of Many Brethren...
John 15:7 Abide in Christ...
Ephesians 5:26 Washing...
Jun 18, 2018
Isaiah 55:11 God's Word is not void...
Isaiah 53:5 We are healed
1 Peter 2:24 We wer healed... Past tence ...
Mark 4:35-41 Don't forget what Jesus said...
Romans 8:6 Find Peace...
John 8:31-32 The Truth will set you Free...
John 20:29 Blessed are those who believe without seeing...
1 Samual 17 David and...
Jun 12, 2018
Jun 4, 2018
Psalm 8:1-9 Who is man? KJV/NLT
Genesis 1:26 Man has a responsibility...
Genesis 6:3 Days of man.... lifespan...
John 10:10 satan kills, steals and destroys...
Luke 15:11-24 The Prodigal Son...
2 Corinthians 5:17 If you're in Christ you are a new creature...
Hebrews 11:1 Faith
Genesis 3 Adam deceived...